Video Player

Full Screen Website Background Video Player

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The HTML5 background video is not just an extra large video player. It is a fullscreen video player, with background video effects, which can truly enhance your website. Currently, it is pretty rare to find sites with video backgrounds, so if you want your webpages to stand out, this is a great way to achieve that goal.
Cincopa's background video player has a time bar, play and pause buttons, sound and mute options and navigation arrows. You can set your own control bar preferences and choose the background video effects, as well as many other options such as a repeat feature, autostart and items change time. The video and audio files are fully secured, and it is up to you whether to allow users to copy the media.
You may upload multiple video and audio files of any format, customize the full screen video background and embed it wherever you want within a few minutes. The background video player has full scalability. Cincopa performs conversions and resizing automatically; therefore, you do not need special skills, unless you choose to edit the included CSS files for full customization. Cincopa uses pseudo streaming technology and an advanced CDN system to assure your users enjoy high quality videos and great viewing experience.

Full Screen Video Player - Main Features:

  1. Upload multiple videos or audio files (of any format)
  2. Include pause button
  3. Allow scroll
  4. Choose the scroll position; right bottom, left bottom or center bottom
  5. Give your video background a name
  6. Full scalability - your video will look great on any screen size
  7. Remote access - manage and edit your gallery from your mobile devices
  8. Upload files from multiple sources - desktop, mobile devices, web camera or web URLs
  9. Reliable Content Delivery Network
  10. FREE hosting and delivery services limited to 400MB space and 200MB bandwidth per month

Advanced Features:

  1. Time bar display
  2. Sound and mute option
  3. Display bullets - allow easy navigation
  4. Video background slideshow
  5. Repeat playlist
  6. Autostart option
  7. Select one of three overlay effects
  8. Edit CSS files
  9. Video slideshow change time - set the number of milliseconds between each video
  10. Allow download - determine whether users may copy your files and in which version, original or resized
  11. Domain Lock - prevent other sites from using your media. Make a list of the empowered domains
  12. Iframe option

Cincopa is the most complete Video, Image, Audio/Podcast Hosting Platform

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  • Full Screen Background Video Player

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You can easily customize the template using the advanced settings or with CSS edit.

  • Responsive
  • Desktop 1280x720
  • Tablet
  • Mobile