You can easily customize the template using the advanced settings or with CSS edit.
Choose your favorable templates and set your options. Preview the templates on a separate window to determine, which one you would like to display.
Upload your media files to Cincopa cloud-drive and organize your folders. Conversions and photo resizing will be performed automatically by the application.
Choose the method that suits your site and copy the generated line of code. Paste this code, wherever you want it to be presented on your webpage.
Cincopa rich media platform grants you with an overall solution for your presentation. You get a friendly and effective wizard to lead you through the process, automated system that implements your choices, free hosting and delivery services and reliable security measures to protect your files.
Cincopa provides you with plenty of elegant and hip templates, multiple basic and premium features, full documentation, professional support and free hosting and delivery services. The image files may be uploaded from your portable devices, directly from your webcam or from social channels such as Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, Instagram and many more. The process of creating and adding the Lightbox gallery can be completed in a few minutes, and from that point all modifications may be made at any time from any location via a click of a button.