You can easily customize the template using the advanced settings or with CSS edit.
You can easily customize the template using the advanced settings or with CSS edit.
You can easily customize the template using the advanced settings or with CSS edit.
Cincopa offers a wide selection of blogspot slideshow and blogspot photo gallery templates. Select a template and set your options, then preview the gallery. You may try any number of templates and modifications until you are happy with the results. Remember, you may change your template and settings anytime.
Upload any number of images and audio files into Cincopa's cloud drive. You may upload the media from your PC, your portables or from any web URL including Flickr and Picasa accounts, Facebook, Instagram and so forth. Arrange the files in your private folders. The application automatically converts files, resizes photos etc.
Select Blogger as your method and copy the generated simple code. Embed the code, wherever you want the blogspot gallery to appear on the page. Now you can use the same slideshow for blogspot, you have just created, as a widget for numerous other sites and social networks.
Cincopa provides you with an inclusive solution for your blogspot gallery. You get to choose between many different blogspot slideshow templates, which all have plenty of features and customization options; you get a full control over the appearance and performance of your content and your media files are protected by high-end security measures. All Cincopa's blogspot galleries are mobile compatible with full scalability and remote access. The basic, free hosting and delivery services are more than enough for most blogs and are not limited to the blogspot servers.
Cincopa utilizes dedicated servers to ensure the best possible performance and the surprisingly, the whole process should not take more than a few minutes since all the technical procedures are done by the app itself.